Ranjani rendering the concert at Karthik Fine Arts Ranjani rendering concert at Mudra, Chennai Ranjani rendering the concert at Mulund Fine Arts Ranjani rendering the concert at Music Academy Ranjani rendering the concert at Music Academy Ranjani rendering the concert at Music Academy Ranjani rendering the concert at Nada Imbam Ranjani rending the duet concert November Fest Ranjani rendering the concert at Raga Dhana Ranjani rending the concert Raga Dhana Ranjani rendering concert at Ragadhana Ranjani rendering the concert at Raga Dhana Ranjani rendering the concert at Rama Lalitha Kala Mandira Ranjani rendering the concert at Ramana Kendra Ranjani rendering the concert at Sarvani Sangeetha Trust Ranjani singing at Nada Imbam Ranjani rendering the concert at Trichy Ranjani concert at Vadiraja Kanakadasa Utsav Ranjani rendering the concert at Ananya, Bangalore Ranjani rendering the concert at Anu Shakti Nagar Ranjani rendering the concert at Nellore Ranjani rendering the concert at Bangalore Gayana Samaja Ranjani rendering the concert at Chembai Memorial program Ranjani rendering the concert at Hamsadwani Sabha Ranjani rendering the concert at Indian Fine Arts Society Ranjani concert JSS Sangeetha Sabha Ranjani rendering the concert at Kalki Krishnamurthy award program Ranjani rendering the concert at Kalpathy