We aim to preserve Bharatiya Shastriya Sangeetha in its original form to the next generations to come. We aspire to promote Bharatiya Shastriya Sangeetha by providing the suitable environment among the music enthusiast. We want to preserve Ranjani's music in any form though recordings, concerts and publications.
To preserve and provide a sustainable environment for the development of Bharatiya Shastriya Sangeetha and also to Ranjani’s music.
- To develop interest in Bharatiya Shastriya Sangeetha form of performing art among the aspirants of Bharatiya Shastriya Sangeetha
- To impart training to the interested students in Bharatiya Shastriya Sangeetha by instituting scholarships or donation or by imparting knowledge through Gurukula system
- To create and sustain the interest of general public in Bharatiya Shastriya Sangeetha
- To encourage the artistes of Bharatiya Shastriya Sangeetha through concerts, felicitations, honoring, helping the aged and deserving and also sponsoring for a music career for the deserving
- To bring out the publications such as books, brochures, manuals, CDs and teaching material for Bharatiya Shastriya Sangeetha
- To propagate Bharatiya Shastriya Sangeetha through audio visual and electronic media
- To arrange seminars, symposia, lectures, demonstration, workshops and competitions in Bharatiya Shastriya Sangeetha
- To work with any other institution hand in hand for the achievements of aforesaid objectives
- To erect, establish, construct, acquire halls for furthering above objects to maintain and run them
- To carry out examination system to evaluate the standards of music knowledge and suitably honoring the same
- To establish the library, music archives and recordings unit to fulfill the aim of the Trust
- To promote Ranjani’s music in any form through research, symposia, documentation, recordings, concerts and publication
Ranjani is remembered in Udupi by her parents and her well wishers through ‘Ranjani Memorial Trust’ established in 2014. The latter is organizing educative concerts and helps those who promise to dedicate themselves for the cause of Indian classical music. It is arranging concerts during her birthday week i.e., 9th September every year.
Raga Dhana Udupi, a 30 year old music organization is also arranging concert on a day during this time in memory of Ranjani.
Manikrishnaswamy Academy of Mangalore led by Sri P Nithyananda Rao is also organizing concerts in memory of this legendary musician Ranjani in tandem with above two organizations.
Dr P. Rajagopalan (Brother of SAFE Ramabhadran) an Octogenarian of Chennai is sponsoring an endowment youth concert every year under Nada Inbam at Raga Sudha Hall in memory of Ranjani on the day of her death i.e., 9th June since 2015. In 2017 Kum. Archana and Kum. Samanvi were invited for a full fledged concert, the first official appearance of Ranjani’s disciples at Chennai.
Amritavarshini Sabha in Coimbatore, and Sarada Academy in Bapatla (Guntur Dist.) have also arranged concerts in Ranjani’s memory by warmingly inviting Kum. Archana and Kum. Samanvi to those places in the year 2017.